Friday, June 11, 2010

mississippi heat


I have no idea how people lived before air conditioning, especially in Mississippi, because this feels like death. Walk outside and choke from the humidity alone. Geez louise, I can't handle this.

On the flip side of the pillow, I thank God it's not freezing cold outside. I can't stand the cold. I'm a medium person. I like medium weather.

Also, because I was wondering how long we've had this glorious invention I like to call the AC, I checked it out on Wikipedia.
There's actually some pretty cool history on how people would keep buildings cool and such.

You know it's summer here when the cicadas start to buzz, loud loud loud outside. It seems like they're everywhere, and so loud in your ear that you want to throw a shoe or some sort of sharp object at them to make them stop. But then if they stop for a while, which they do only of their own accord, the silence is more deafening than the noise. And the lightning bugs start coming out and doing their dance when it's dusk, and it's beautiful in its own way. Summer in Mississippi is hard to explain. It is blissful in the evening when there is a breeze, but often there is no breeze, so if you opt to sit on the porch, bring a fan, a book, and a tall glass of water.

And dream of being somewhere else.


  1. i just arrived in the philippines and it is SO HOT. i agree with you about AC- how did people live without it? it's heaven.

  2. "mississippi heat" (the title) reminds me of the song: "Lousiana Woman Mississippi Man"...
    Well, it is summer, so it has to be hot outside. After reading this, my mind went back 2 years ago when I was visiting Greece. Glad they have the sea! Otherwise... I don't know... It's like a desert! Inside it's cool because they have air conditioning, but when you go outside, geez! It's like throwing yourself in fire! Air conditioning is a life saver!
    So, good luck with the heat!
